
Do You Have The Keys? I.


Wednesday, August 11, 2021.

Do You Have The Keys? I.

“The slothful man roasteth not that which he took in hunting: but the substance of a diligent man is precious.”
Proverbs 12:27.

Proverbs 22:28-29.
“Remove not the ancient landmark, which thy fathers have set. Seest thou a man diligent in his business? he shall stand before kings; he shall not stand before mean men.”

In this series, we will consider some critical keys to unlock our full potential in life. While today’s focus is hard working, that is, been diligent. An adage says, *”Whatever is what worth doing, is worth doing well.”* Get something doing.
Nevertheless, our memory verse says the substance of the diligent is precious. This implies that, what is worked for, is of great value compare with inheritances on your laps. Don’t forget, having something doing, give room for creativity and self-realisation.
More so, our text opined on the importance of being diligent, it declares thus, _”Seest thou a man diligent in his business? he shall stand before kings; he shall not stand before mean men.”_ This aligns with another adage that says, *”True work is an antidote to poverty.”* You will always have a say even before Kings.
In summary, being diligent is of a great deal to succeed in life. And whatever your dream mansion is, do know that, to be diligent pays. For you will not only be successful but pass to coming generation success and moral value of hardworking through diligence. Shalom!

God bless you.
Till He returns or calls you home, do remain in the power of Jesus love.
*Jesus is coming very soon.*
Be prepared.

I will not be slothful at my duty post. I will be diligent in whatever that I do.

Almighty God and Father of All of creation. At creation, you thought us the importance of creativity with our hands. Help me Lord to be diligent and successful in all that I do in Jesus name. Amen.

Yours in Christ,
The Narrow Way Team.

Just Let It GO.


Tuesday, August 10, 2021.

Just Let It Go.

“Vanity of vanities, saith the Preacher, vanity of vanities; all is vanity.”
Ecclesiastes 1:2.

Psalms 46:9-11.
“He maketh wars to cease unto the end of the earth; he breaketh the bow, and cutteth the spear in sunder; he burneth the chariot in the fire. Be still, and know that I am God: I will be exalted among the heathen, I will be exalted in the earth. The LORD of hosts is with us; the God of Jacob is our refuge.”

The scriptures say, *”What profit hath a man of all his labour which he taketh under the sun?”* (Ecclesiastes 1:3) The question is what is the value of your labour here on Earth, or should we say of your wrath against another fellow? Don’t forget, it is valueless before God, for time tick for all.
Dear friend, let us always remember that _”One generation passeth away, and another generation cometh: but the earth abideth forever.”_ (Ecclesiastes 1:4) It is pertinent to make use of our limited time judiciously. Hence, what will mine or your record be.
Meanwhile, our today’s text emphasized support to carry us through. The love of God in our hearts put an end to conflicts and it’s impediments. It also encourages us to let go, submit and surrender everything to God.
In conclusion, don’t bottle up anger, jealousy, hatred and many other vices against anyone, let loose and let go. Do know that holding unto vices, add to your burden, it makes your load unbearable. The truth is that you have your life to live. Shalom!

God bless you.
Till He returns or calls you home, do remain in the power of Jesus love.
*Jesus is coming very soon.*
Be prepared.

Letting go, makes me feel great, healthy and happy.

Father in Heaven, give me the grace to submit and surrender all to You irrespective of the hurts. And through Your grace, I receive strength to let go of anger, hatred and whatever negative burden upon my heart in Jesus name. Amen.

Yours in Christ,
The Narrow Way Team.

Anointed With Fresh Oil. II.


Monday, August 9, 2021.

Anointed With Fresh Oil. II.

“But my horn shalt thou exalts like the horn of a unicorn: I shall be anointed with fresh oil.”
Psalms 92:10.

Isaiah 10:27.
“And it shall come to pass in that day, that his burden shall be taken away from off thy shoulder, and his yoke from off thy neck, and the yoke shall be destroyed because of the anointing.”

In the last part of this series, we consider David’s anointing over Hebron and how he was anointed afresh to rule over Judah. And reading further after the text, you will discover that after the death of King Saul, David was anointed the third time with fresh oil to reign over the entire kingdom of Israel.
The above implies that the three stages of David ascension call for a renewal of strength. Beloved, when you need a great deal or assignment to execute, you much be ready to fortify and equip yourself for the task ahead, that is the essence of fresh anointing.
Meanwhile, it is important to add that fresh anointing does not strengthen or empower alone, it also takes away burdens of the task ahead, it clears out the yoke barriers and demolishes yokes.
In conclusion dear friend, in your daily pursuit and your walk with God for the Heavenly gains, you need fresh oil, don’t forget that fresh oil matters. It is your access to a stress-free and peaceful service in the King’s business. Therefore, daily ask the Lord to anoint with fresh oil to finish well and strong. Shalom!

God bless you.
Till He returns or calls you home, do remain in the power of Jesus love.
*Jesus is coming very soon.*
Be prepared.

The anointing breaks my yoke. And through the anointing, my burden is lifted.

Father Lord, through Your mercy and grace, please daily stretch Your hands upon me, to anoint me afresh, to break my yokes, to lift my heart’s burden and to empower me for daily exploits in Jesus name. Amen.

Yours in Christ,
The Narrow Way Team.


Saturday, August 7, 2021.

Anointed With Fresh Oil. I.

“But my horn shalt thou exalts like the horn of a unicorn: I shall be anointed with fresh oil.”
Psalms 92:10.

1 Samuel 16:13.
“Then Samuel took the horn of oil, and anointed him amid his brethren: and the Spirit of the LORD came upon David from that day forward. So Samuel arose, and went to Ramah.”

What is Anointing? As dictionaries have it, it is simply smearing with oil or pouring on oil. Anointing physically is being rubbed with oil, but the spiritual implication is to be set apart for an outstanding and specific assignment.
However, anointing is for consecration. Do not forget that to be anointed with anointing oil, is for a purpose in God’s vineyards. It is for a given task to be accomplished. And just like David, when you are anointed, the Holy Spirit will rest and abide with you. Ask the Holy Spirit to anoint you afresh today.
Nevertheless, as 2 Samuel 2:4 declared, *”And the men of Judah came, and there they anointed David king over the house of Judah…”* Beloved, David was a king in Hebron, but when it was time for him to rule over Judah, he was anointed with fresh oil, for the new assignment.
In summary, what is that new assignment or task at your disposal, ask God today for a refresh of your anointing, and when you are anointed afresh, you will surely fulfil the mandate or the purpose of that anointing. Shalom!

God bless you.
Till He returns or calls you home, do remain in the power of Jesus love.
*Jesus is coming very soon.*
Be prepared.

I am freshly anointed with the oil of gladness, glory, peace, joy and power in Christ Jesus.

Father Lord, in You and with You, there is no failure or disappointment. This day Lord, anoint me with fresh oil of gladness, glory and of power in Jesus name. Amen.

Yours in Christ,
The Narrow Way Team.

When You PRAY For Mercy. IV.


Saturday, July 31, 2021.

When You Pray For Mercy. IV.

“Hear, O LORD, when I cry with my voice: have mercy also upon me, and answer me.”
Psalms 27:7.

Mark 10:47-49.
“And when he heard that it was Jesus of Nazareth, he began to cry out, and say, Jesus, thou Son of David, have mercy on me. And many charged him that he should hold his peace: but he cried the more a great deal, Thou Son of David, have mercy on me. And Jesus stood still and commanded him to be called. And they call the blind man, saying unto him, Be of good comfort, rise; he calleth thee.”

Yesterday, we saw a Christian praying for mercy, is simply asking for restoration and pardon for wrongdoings. Knowing well that, we have a father in heaven, who is full of compassion and mercy.
However, today text revealed the extent to which mercy can travel or the height of respect heaven has for mercy. It is evident that when you ask or pray for mercy, just like Bartimaeus with a pure heart, do know that speedy help will surface from God’s Thorne and you will rejoice in your Maker.
Nevertheless, when you pray for mercy, you call for the special needs and quick attention of God to your matter. Your cry for mercy makes Heaven standstill. Don’t forget that mercy prevailed over judgement.
In summary, do you want to command Heaven to a standstill and to hearken to your voice instantly? Today, do call for God’s mercy. For Jesus says, _” I say unto you, that likewise, joy shall be in heaven over one sinner that repents…”_ (Luke 15:7) May God’s mercy continue to prevail in your life in Jesus name. Amen. Shalom!

God bless you.
Till He returns or calls you home, do remain in the power of Jesus love.
*Jesus is coming very soon.*
Be prepared.

“O give thanks unto the LORD; for he is good; for His mercy endureth forever.” (1 Chronicles 16:34)

Merciful Father and God all grace, to You alone belong all authority. Please Lord, let Your mercy, continue to prevail over judgements against my life in Jesus name. Amen.

Yours in Christ,
The Narrow Way Team.