Why Were You Created. II.


DATE: Thursday, November 14, 2019.

THEME: Why Were You Created. II.

“So God created man in his own image, in the image of God created he him; male and female created he them.”
Genesis 1:27.

2 Corinthians 3:8-10 “How shall not the ministration of the spirit be rather glorious? For if the ministration of condemnation be glory, much more doth the ministration of righteousness exceed in glory. For even that which was made glorious had no glory in this respect, by reason of the glory that excelleth.”

In the last part of this series, we considered fellowship as one of the reasons, why God created you and I. That He wants a constant communication and interaction that is genuine and everlasting.
However, a story was told of a criminal who performed a miracle along the crime scene. After his gangs robbed a supermarket beside the king’s palace and as they were running away, before the arrival of the police, the young man stumbled upon a woman weeping beside the road for her dead child and they both fell. And as he rise to go the Holy Spirit grips his heart and he quickly pray a short Prayer saying; *”Boy, rise up and live in Jesus name. Amen.”* Turning to catch up with his gangs, the dead child sneezed and turned, the woman quickly grabbed him, hugged him and began to thank God for his son, who had passed out almost 72 hours ago but came back to life.
Invariably, many at times, we ventured in a wrong ventures such as business, career, profession, ministry and so on, running outside God’s plan for our lives. Dear friend, wherever we find ourselves, let us know that we are created for God’s glory. God is the one that creates, call and ordained our daily experiences.
In conclusion, you are created for glory, irrespective of your present situation, challenges, or wherever you are now, do know that at the appointed time, you will manifest in greater glory. May God’s mercy right your wrong for glory in Jesus name. Amen.

God bless you.
Till He returns or call you home, do remain in the power of His love.
*Jesus is coming very soon.*
Be prepared.

Although, presently I may not so much look it. But I know that I am created to move from glory to greater glory.

Merciful Father, in your mercy, let my glory manifest to the greater glory of your Holy Name in Jesus name. Amen.

Yours in Christ,
B. J. Folorunsho.

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