Light Of The World. III.


Tuesday, June 23, 2020.

Light Of The World. III.

“Ye are the light of the world. A city that is set on an hill cannot be hid.”
Matthew 5:14.

John 8:12.
“Then spake Jesus again unto them, saying, I am the light of the world: he that followeth me shall not walk in darkness, but shall have the light of life.”

Yesterday, we discussed about darkness been an enemy of light. And that when you critically look at the happenings around us today, you will observe that there is gross darkness everywhere in the world.
Meanwhile, from our today’s text, our Lord and Savior declared of Himself saying: *”I am the light of the world: he that followeth me shall not walk in darkness…”* This is to say that following Jesus; the light of the world, will surely prevent you from walking in darkness, it will enable you to walk in the light.
More so, in our memory verse, our Lord Jesus Christ, also calls you and me, “The light of the world.” That is to say, you are born to shine in Christ. He further declared us to be a city on high that cannot be hidden. If you are a light, not matter what, you cannot be hidden.
Finally beloved in Christ, you are the light of the world. You are empowered to put darkness to flight and to draw many to grace through Jesus Christ. May you remain shining now and always in Jesus name. Amen.

God bless you.
Till He returns or call you home, do remain in the power of His love.
*Jesus is coming very soon.*
Be prepared.

I am a light to my generation and many more. I am born to shine.

Father in heaven, You are the source of light, help me Lord, to remain connected to you always. And by grace, you have made me a light to generations, please Father, give me the grace to draw countless souls out of darkness for You in Jesus name. Amen.

Yours in Christ,
B. J. Folorunsho.

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