Heaven Is real, Hell Is Also Real. II.


Monday, March 23, 2020.

Heaven Is Real, Hell Is Also Real. II.

“Enter ye in at the strait gate: for wide is the gate, and broad is the way, that leadeth to destruction, and many there be which go in thereat.”
Matthew 7:13.

Gal 5:19-21.
“Now the doings of the flesh are clear, they are immorality, impurity, indecency, Idolatry, sorcery, enmity, strife, jealousy, anger (ill temper), selfishness, divisions, party spirit (factions, sects with peculiar opinions, heresies), Envy, drunkenness, carousing, and the like. I warn you beforehand, just as I did previously, that those who do such things shall not inherit the kingdom of God.”

It is sadden to know that, many Christians don’t believe the reality of hell fire, for many argue that God cannot be callous to send His own creation to hell fire for destruction. Some jokingly says, “If God wants to throw them into the fire, and that because of their sins, God will angrily throw them over the fire, and they will land in heaven. And many other unthinkable utterances. What an ignorance?
Meanwhile, our today’s text, admonish us to beware of the work of the flesh, and to flee from every appearance of evil. Be yourself, for you are special and heavenly bound creation. Therefore, get prepared for heaven, leave behind you worldly competitions.
More so, many are the other things, we do as Christians, that displeases God and God is calling us out of those things: such as abortion, same sex marriage, unhealthy competitions and many other vices. And not forgetting other things we do, that compete with God’s attention in our lives. Things that we give more time, than the time we have for God and the things of God, this could be deadly.
Finally, beloved in Christ Jesus, the conclusion of the matter is that, *”Those who do such things shall not inherit the kingdom of God.”* And if they cannot inherit heaven, hell will be their abode. And, there is no forgiveness in hell, it is only here on Earth you can be forgiven in order to make heaven. Let’s amend our relationship with God, before it may be too late. May God bless you and I with the grace to come to genuine repentance now and always in Jesus name. Amen.

God bless you.
Till He returns or call you home, do remain in the power of His love.
*Jesus is coming very soon.*
Be prepared.

I will not missed heaven. I will not missed my inheritance in Christ Jesus.

Heavenly Father, You are who You say You are. In your mercy remove from me, anything that will condemn me to fire of hell. Help me Lord, to finish well, to finish strong and to inherit heaven at last in Jesus name. Amen.

Yours in Christ,
B. J. Folorunsho.

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